Emerald Ash Borer

The problem                 

The emerald ash borer is one of the most devastating pests that have been introduced to North America in the past 100 years.  It was imported into the Chicago area from China and has been infesting Fraxinus species (ash trees and their family). It doesn’t take long for the larva to eat enough tissue under the bark to deteriorate a tree canopy.  With this quick death, it makes it difficult to remove a tree because the bark will slough off.  There is no question as to whether the ash borer will find your tree or not, it is only a matter of when.  Many people think their tree is alright and then the next year it is dead. There are many signs that can be seen for EAB, but if you know you have an ash tree, you don’t even need to know them; you just need to know that it will be infested sooner or later.  The insect is most active from June to the end of August. 


There are a couple options to consider.  First, you can remove your tree before it dies or you can wait until your tree dies and then have it removed.  Secondly you can inject your tree to save it and wait for the bug to pass by. This may take up to 15 years before it is safe again to not inject your tree with pesticide.  Most professionals estimate the costs of chemical applications to the size of the tree.  So in other words, the larger the tree, the more it will cost.  

How to treat                 

There are 3 different methods commonly used to treat for EAB.  Each method has a different price tag and lasting effect.  The first is the cheapest and it is a soil drench that is poured around the base of the tree.  I like to think of this method as putting poison all over the floor and hoping a mouse will eat it.  Secondly there are trunk applications that can be done and they have been proven effective, but only for about 6 weeks.  I like to think of this method as having poison put on your skin, and if enough of it is used, it can hurt you through your skin.  The last method is the longest lasting and it is what we provide, an injection. Injections last up to two years of constant protection and don’t leave chemical residue on the tree or around the ground for any other humans or animals to touch.  I equate this method to drinking poison; we know it is in your system now!